Congratulations to Dr. Ronit Schwartz for a great thesis defense! Thanks to everyone in the Brodsky and Shin labs for their advice and support along the way!
Ronit's paper gets accepted!
Congrats to Ronit, and co-authors Winslow, Beatrice, and Daniel S. on the official acceptance of their paper in Science Advances! Go check it out on the publications page!
Kassidy joins the lab!
The lab is excited to announce that Kassidy Cantwell has joined! Kassidy is a graduate student in the Microbiology, Virology, and Parasitology program within Cell and Molecular Biology. Welcome to the Brodsky lab, Kassidy!!
Rosemary graduates from Penn!
The lab wishes to congratulate Rosemary O’Neill on obtaining her bachelors degree and graduating from Penn! Best of luck in all of your future endeavors, we’ll miss you over here!
Daniel S. starts new job
The lab feels very bittersweet to wish Daniel Sorobetea good bye and good luck as he ascends to his new position at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm! Thank you for everything you’ve done for the lab DS! Philly will miss you but we know you will be a great PI!
Daniel, Rina, and Jenna's paper gets accepted!
Congrats to Daniel S., Rina, Jenna, and all co-authors on the official acceptance of their paper in JEM! Paper #2 of the new year for the Brodsky lab! 💪
Daniel, Kimmie and Ronit's paper goes live!
Congratulations to Daniel Akuma, Kimmie Wodzanowski (Shin lab), and Ronit Schwartz for their paper “Catalytic activity and autoprocessing of murine caspase-11 mediate noncanonical inflammasome assembly in response to cytosolic LPS” coming out in eLife today! Go check it out on the publications page!
Daniel A's paper is accepted!
Congratulations to Daniel Akuma and co-authors for their paper "Catalytic activity and autoprocessing of murine caspase-11 mediate noncanonical inflammasome assembly in response to cytosolic LPS", being accepted for publication in eLife!
Daniel S. receives Career Development in Medicine and Health grant from the Swedish Research Council!
Congratulations to Daniel Sorobetea who received a Career Development in Medicine and Health grant from the Swedish Research Council (this analogous to a K99 type grant) and will be taking a position at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm!!! (Daniel - we are sad that you will be leaving, but this is fantastic news!!)
Neha defends her Ph.D!
Congratulations to Dr. Neha Nataraj on an amazing thesis defense! The lab is so proud of your work on NF-kB blockade -induced cell death in human cells!